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productivity & management

Current version:

Potential alternative to: AssoConnect, Ciel Associations, HelloAsso

Diacamma Introduction

Diacamma is a set of free and open source administrative and financial management software designed and developed for volunteers.

Diacamma Asso

Simply manage memberships to your association

Diacamma Asso allows you to easily classify your current and past members.

  • Have a list of your members with all their contact information.
  • Manage their contributions by activities and categories.
  • Easily manage your association events (exams, internships, outings, ...).
  • Manage the stock of your associative purchasing center.
  • Link an invoice to your dues and events.

Diacamma Syndic

Follow the situation of your condo

Diacamma Syndic allows voluntary trustees to simply manage their co-ownership.

  • Keep an accounting in accordance with the French regulation of condominiums.
  • Follow the situation of each co-owner.
  • Create and send calls for funds.
  • Break down the expenses of the co-ownership on each one according to its parts.
Screenshot for Diacamma

Useful links

App license: GPL-3.0-or-later Official website Official admin documentation Official code repository YunoHost package repository YunoHost package license