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Current version: 3.4.0~ynh3

Potential alternative to: Invision Community, XenForo, vBulletin

Discourse is the 100% open source discussion platform built for the next decade of the Internet. Use it as a:

  • mailing list
  • discussion forum
  • long-form chat room

To learn more about the philosophy and goals of the project, visit discourse.org.

Screenshot for Discourse

Important infos before installing


This package installs Discourse without Docker, for several reasons (mostly to support ARM architecture and low-profile servers, to mutualize nginx/postgresql/redis services and to simplify e-mail setup). As stated by the Discourse team:

The only officially supported installs of Discourse are Docker based. You must have SSH access to a 64-bit Linux server with Docker support. We regret that we cannot support any other methods of installation including cpanel, plesk, webmin, etc.

So please have this in mind when considering asking for Discourse support.

Moreover, you should have in mind Discourse hardware requirements:

  • modern single core CPU, dual core recommended
  • 1 GB RAM minimum (with swap)
  • 64 bit Linux compatible with Docker
  • 10 GB disk space minimum

Finally, if installing on a low-end ARM device (e.g. Raspberry Pi):

  • installation can last up to 3 hours,
  • first access right after installation could take a couple of minutes.

Useful links

App license: GPL-2.0 Official website Official code repository YunoHost package repository YunoHost package license