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Firefly III Importer

productivity & management

Current version: 1.6.1~ynh1

Firefly III Data Importer is the nr. 1 tool to import data into Firefly III. This tools helps you import transactions from files or bank APIs into your Firefly-III server. Please follow the documentation at https://docs.firefly-iii.org/data-importer/.

If your Firefly-III server is installed as a YunoHost app, please note:

  • It should be accessible to all visitors (using its internal user management instead of YunoHosts') for the Data Importer to communicate with it.

  • When configuring the Data Importer, use the public Firefly-III domain and path, not localhost, even if both services are on the same machine.

Screenshot for Firefly III Importer

Useful links

App license: AGPL-3.0 Official website Official admin documentation Official code repository YunoHost package repository YunoHost package license