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system tools

Current version: 2025.03.15~ynh1

phpLicenseWatcher is a simple Web frontend to the FlexLM lmstat and lmdiag commands that gives information about the status of FlexLM servers. You can also get information about features and number of licenses available on a particular server.


  • Shows the health of a license server or a group of them
  • Check which licenses are being used and who is currently using them
  • Get a listing of licenses, their expiration days and number of days to expiration
  • E-mail alert of licenses that will expire within certain time period ie. within next 10 days.
  • Monitors server utilization
  • Provides usage charts
Screenshot for PHPLicenseWatcher

Useful links

App license: GPL-3.0 Official website Official admin documentation Official code repository YunoHost package repository YunoHost package license