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Current version: 1.5.8~ynh1

ZeroTier Controller Web UI is a web user interface for a self-hosted ZeroTier network controller.

This project is highly inspired by ztncui and was developed to address the current limitations of applying the self-hosted network controllers. Some ztncui problems cannot be fixed because of the core architecture of the project. ZeroUI tries to solve them and implements the following features:

  • Full React-powered lightweight SPA that brings a better user experience, and ZeroUI is mobile-friendly.
  • ZeroUI has ZeroTier Central compatible API. That means you could use CLI tools and custom applications made only for ZeroTier Central to manage your networks.
  • ZeroUI implements controller-specific workarounds that address some existing issues. ZTNCUI does not.
  • ZeroUI is more feature complete. ZeroUI has almost all network-controller-supported features, for example, rule editor. The development process hasn't stopped, so you will enjoy new features and bug fixes shortly.
Screenshot for ZeroUI
This app requires an unusual amount of RAM to install: 2G

Important infos before installing

ZeroUI requires ZeroTier to be installed beforehand.


(This app has features you may not like)

  • Relies on software dependencies that are not free in order to run.

Useful links

App license: GPL-3.0-only Official code repository YunoHost package repository YunoHost package license